My brother Eric is here and he is off until Monday so we are doing some catching up. Anne is back in Bronx teaching away and is starting to get interviews for her permenant placement in the fall. I am putting together the not for profit digital schools web site today and created some information for Active Directory for the business Eric Lorson and I will be running. The low carb diet Anne and I are on is starting to work. Since I arrived in New York I lost 17 pounds and three inches off my waist. Woohoo!! Anne has lost as well. The gym in Yorktown is working out fine for now and we will decide on a perment place to live when Anne gets her final assignment. I am staying in touch with and the Walthers are scheduled to come out for business in October. We are looking forward to seeing them.
My dads party for his election is on the 20th and we will be sure and post some pictures form the event up on the blog. Well I am off to the gym. Talk to you all later. Keep the comments coming they are fun. :)
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Posted by
7/10/2003 12:26:00 PM
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Ok so I let a few days slip sorry bout that folks :). I met with my friend Eric Lorson and we are putting together more marketing strategy documents for our business plan. As well I am in the process of starting the non-profit group digitall Yes we own the domain. It will be a resource for teachers--and will be based on a blog but have many more free resources for teachers and administrators. Not good to have a web guy with too much time on his hands. My dads campaign is moving along and things are looking very positive for the fall. Anne has finished her first 6 credits and started her second class round today. My brother is due from a break from his training and will be in town for 18 days starting Thursday and we are looking forward to seeing him.
Hey all you Washington people we have not seen! We miss everyone. You can call us anytime or just drop us a line on e-mail and let us know what your up to. Also, just a thought you can start your own web BLOG! :)
Posted by
7/09/2003 01:07:00 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2003
Happy Fourth of July everyone!
We went to the parade in Somers and did some political gladhanding at the picnic and get together at Reis Park this long weekend. Many people are unhappy with the current Supervisor improving mt Dad's chances of being elected in the fall. We went to a pool party at the Hengsts after the Reis Pak celebration in Somers.
The Hengst's owned the Montessori school where I went and my brother went as children. My mom was a teacher at the school for quite a while. They are very very good friends of the family. They have an outdoor full size pool an indoor full size pool and a hot tub on a piece of property on a lake on over a acre. Pretty swank. Guess Montessori schools can be good for the pocket as well as the mind :).
Anne is putting out resumes for her fall placememt at schools this weekend and Eric and I will be heading to the city for some business this week.
Posted by
7/06/2003 02:47:00 PM