Trade Alert - Home
I came by this site in my research on foreign trade problems in the United States. They have an excellent range of statistics on US Trade and jobs
Friday, September 19, 2003
Trade Alert - Home
Posted by
9/19/2003 08:58:00 PM
Fight brews over fixing US foreign-trade imbalance
Fight brews over fixing US foreign-trade imbalance
Here is an interesting article that brings into light some of the interesting facts about the United States Trade Deficit and what can be done about it!
Posted by
9/19/2003 08:50:00 PM
Spending on Education Doubled! Spending on Social welfare up 900% and economy on fire!
Spending on Education Doubled! Spending on Social welfare up 900% and economy on fire!: "In the past five years, spending on social welfare has increased nine-fold and spending on agriculture and education has doubled, Mr Xiang reported"
So while we continue to say we can not afford to pay money for schools and education China continues to spend gobs of money on education! Where do we think this will lead us in about 20 years? Just for information 20 years ago 3/4 of all sweaters in the United States were made in New York factories. Try to find a sweater made in the US now! This has got to stop before we spend all of our money building up other countries and watch all that we love disappear!
Posted by
9/19/2003 08:46:00 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Digital Schools -- Technology for Teachers Administrators and Youth
Digital Schools -- Technology for Teachers Administrators and Youth
Digital schools is in the process of now being moved to its new home with its new domain name. You can now reach us by clicking on the link listed above. Look for some great resources to be added soon as the site builds.
Posted by
9/18/2003 03:11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
America For Clark
America For Clark
With all the talk about clark this morning I thought I would give everyone a chance to check this guy out by suplying a link to his web site. His views are interesting!
Posted by
9/17/2003 10:21:00 AM
Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - Clark to launch 2004 presidential bid Wednesday - Sep. 16, 2003 - Clark to launch 2004 presidential bid Wednesday - Sep. 16, 2003
Well well well. . .this is a very interesting development in politics. We knew that Clark had been talking to Dean but we were not necessarily thinking that he would run outright!
It would be very hard for Bush and company to run against this guy by pulling out the anti-military card now wouldn't it.
It is just a fantastic day here in New York it could not be any nicer. Only problem is as they say this could just be the calm before the storm Ugghhh! Seems that we are due for a bunch of rain and some good wind. I am putting away all the lawn furniture and such and taking in the umbrellas from the back today.
Charge up your batteries folks!
Posted by
9/16/2003 02:54:00 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Show U.S. The Money (
Show U.S. The Money (
Reagonomics Revisted? Please read this Sunday News!
Today is Sunday and it is cold and rainy in New York. Remenants of the last hurricane. We had quite the string of great days last week so we were due. We spent most of yesterday grading Anne's papers--even into the evening--though we thought we would be done earlier. My parents are up to see my ailing cousin--my grandmothers sisters kid in Kingston today. Anne and I have to stay and finish her lesson plans and grading.
Posted by
9/14/2003 09:45:00 AM