Friday, May 20, 2011

My Plan and Getting Back to the Gym

I am now healed and ready to get back to the gym after my shoulder injury in December.  All of the physical therapy stretching and exercise has paid off and I feel good.  Over the last two weeks I have been staying away from bad food and I am now ready to lift. 

Listed below are the exercises I will concentrate on exclusively for the next 6 weeks.

Weight Lifting Exercises for Chest -----

Flat bench press with bar

Flat bench press with dumbbells

Incline bench press with bar

Incline bench press with dumbbells

The Best Exercises for Back -----

Dumbbell one arm row

Cable lat pulldowns to front


Bent over back rows w/ bar

Lower back extension

Chin-ups (Pull-ups)

Shrugs for Traps (Dumbbells or barbell)

Weightlifting Exercises for Shoulders --------

Seated military press with bar

Seated dumbbell shoulder presses

Dumbbell side lateral raises

Bent-over dumbbell raises

Weightlifting Exercises for Legs ----- Squats

Leg press

Hack Squats

Stiff-leg deadlifts

Lunges with bar or dumbbells


Biceps ------ Standing Alternate dumbbell curls

Standing Straight bar curls

Standing Cable curls

Hammer curls (forearms and biceps)

Exercises for Triceps ------

Lying Triceps extension (Skullcrushers)

Close-grip bench press

Cable triceps pushdowns

Abdominals ------

Lying crunches

Leg raises

Cable crunches

Stability ball crunches

Crunches on incline bench

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Town Easment Flooding

An improperly maintained town easment is causing flooding on our property.  I will post some pictures later.  The town came out and placed sandbags around the water and we are praying for less rain.