Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We have the FLU -- EWWW!

Everyone in our house has the flu. Yesterday I did not even make it out of bed more than three times. I got up once for the bathroom and twice to walk the dog. I made it in to work today but Anne and the baby are still home.

I felt as though I had to make it in today for the kids since they are getting ready for the US History Regents. Right now I only have two teaching poeriods to go and I should make it. When I get home I am going to bed ASAP.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

IT's Gift

One of my students parents works at AMNH. We will call him IT so we don't get in trouble gave me and Anne tickets to the Museum of Natural History here in New York City.

It was quite the treat and I have to thank him again and again on Monday.

We actually dropped the baby off at my parents Saturday night and picked him up on Sunday night so it was a double treat of rest and relaxation for the two of us.

We included some pictures.