Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Not that I am complaining mind you but it has been a really warm fall here. So warm in fact that the leaves on the trees are still on--some even green. In general in all the time I have lived in New York--some 38 years, the trees leaves are gone or have little by October 31st. Not so this year they are hanging on like crazy.
My dad is feeling much better thank you and he is already up and about. He gave us all quite a scare but we think he is going to be ok now. We are still awaiting some results.
Anne and I are both tired wit the baby but we love him. He is a joy and an inspiration in our lives. Uncle Eric has his picture framed in his house! Very cool Eric.
Could Big Drew be a little ired with all the hustle and bustle around here? Yes!
I am wondering where my friend Eric is these days. It seems from last report he is still working but trying to get a youing lady produced in the music industry and we wish him the best of luck. He could give us a call tough . . .hint hint.
We are expecting the arrival of our friend Jen from Seattle around Thanksgiving. We have not seen her in a while and that should be a blast.
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11/06/2005 10:35:00 PM