Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Anne got her
for a school
today at her job fair!  That means she has a job in the
Fall.  I also have a job interview this Wednesday for a position. 
Woohoo!  I drove Anne down for the job fair and there are quite a few
decent apartments in the area close to her school that are of reasonable price. 
Tomorrow I am driving her over to the school so she can fill out paperwork and
then we are heading out for some fun with her group of fellows.  Perhaps we
will also look around the area and make note of areas we would like to live. 
My friend Eric Lorson is having a big get
together at his house on Sunday and we are headed out there for a little R&R as
well.  My parents leave for Eastern Europe on Friday so we have the house
to ourselves!  Uh Oh!  Things with Digital Schools are moving along
and it is now a full fledged non-profit.  Grant proposal writing to get
funding is on its way.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Talk to you all



Monday, July 28, 2003

Movies. Yes movies. We saw the

Pirates of the Caribbean
weekend at the Jefferson Valley Mall with my parents.  I have to say it was
very good.  All four of us were impressed with the animation and although
the story was somewhat predictable in eventual outcome the plot was well thought
out.  Unlike some of my ramblings on this site :).  This past weekend
Anne got to relax.  She is done with her major course work for now and we
worked a little on the

digital schools site

which is really coming together. 
It looks like we may be able to procure a free server and some resources after
all.  We are working on some grants next and we will see where all of that
leads.  I am sending out resumes to companies here in the

New York
area as the jobs become available.  This morning my Dad and I spent some
time at the Metro North Train Station at Goldens Bridge and then went off to the
Shenorock (
Post office and garnered a good amount of signatures for his campaign and the
independent ballot.

This coming Wednesday Anne has a job
fair and my friend


and I will be in the city drumming up
business for our business venture.  As well Anne graduates from her summer
program for the

New York City Teaching Fellows
this Friday and I will be attending. 
After that she has two weeks of vacation.  We will have the house to
ourselves while they are away gallivanting around Eastern Europe. 

Today is very hot in New York. 
Wet and looking to head up to 90 plus degrees so we are all trying to stay cool. 
I have a couple of errands to run so the best way to reach me is on my cell (no
I'm not putting the number on the site).  I have to hit the bank, Trader
Joes and the Food Store as well as get a workout in before Anne gets home. 
I try to do all my job search stuff, business, and things in the morning. That
makes it easy to be somewhere air conditioned by afternoon.  Hope all is
well with everyone.