Been busy had a huge contract to do for Microsoft and an interview and Anne had her last three days of things for training before getting another week off before school. I went with Anne to the city on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and explored the city and took care of some things we needed to take care of in the city. As well I had a telephone screen for an excellent job position. Today is Sunday and things have cooled off in New York. In fact last night it was below 60 F. Just put the F for our international friends.
We are off this afternoon to a political fundraiser for my dad, and then off to NJ for a party at the home of Anne's professor Frank Melia. It is a get together of all of the fellows in her program and it should be fun. Which we will need since my dad went ahead and ordered 5 yards of dirt to be distributed (by US) around the edges of the new driveway. This is scheduled to arrive at 9AM and the digging and shoveling and such should begin promptly. Wanna join in the fun! Stop by and free beer is included. (I don't seriously think anyone will take me up on this of course!)
We spoke with Anne's mom and she seems like she is very very busy with new applications at the school. She is an assistant director of financial aid at a college in Washington.
Next week looks nice and Anne is off. We plan on having a little fun. Hope all is well with everyone.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
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8/24/2003 11:19:00 AM