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So moving right along. . . .
My dads web site is geting better all the time. He is now in the dog days of the election. There is only a short time to go until the election in November and he is hitting the streets every day.
Last night we had this great duck dish. Anne got a migrane and went to bed after arriving home at about 8PM after class. Since she gets up at 5AM this makes for a very long day. She took the train yesterday because she was tired and there was no way she was going to fight the traffic coming out of Central Park after the traffic.
Today is the day the cleaning lady arrives. She comes twice a month. Good thing too--with all of us at meetings an out at work it has been very hard to keep up with any of that around here. My brother is still looking for a house!
It is pretty cold here this morning. My mom actually turned on the heat for a bit this morning! It was about 50F.
DNC: Kicking Ass
Hey the Democratic Party is getting in the groove with blogging. Check out the new page--It Kicks ASS!
The Seattle Times: Nation & World: 1.4 million more Americans in poverty in 2002
It seems odd that as the economy continues to create record profits for companies and we created tax breaks for wealthier Americans that nothing was done about this problem. Allowing our next generation to falter through policies that allow our children (and I use that in the our america sense) is just plain wrong. While an astonishing 12% of the American public are now living in poverty the figure for children is 17.2%.
Keep in mind that the poverty threshold differs by the size and makeup of a household. For instance, a person under 65 living alone in 2002 was considered in poverty if income was $9,359 or less; for a household of three including one child, it was $14,480.
Seems like something could be done about that in a country as great as ours. It also seems like it would be in our interest to get the children out of poverty since new studies point to economic status as one of the prime determing factors in creating poory educated adults. Can the United States affford to have 17.2% of its popution in poverty and potentially undereducated in an increasing competitive world? I think not!
EPA ruling questioned
I am not sure why the EPA would want to lift a ban on building on sites contaminated by PCB's. These substances are amongst the most cancer causing in the world. What is interesting is how it was done so quietly so as to keep the lifting of the ban out of the news. Please read this article and pass it along if you can.
Michael Craig and Family
This is one of my good friends Michael Craig. He has just started blogging and he is doing a great job. Take a look at his blog!
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Andy Pecunia .COM and Thursday!
Posted by
9/25/2003 08:34:00 AM