Sunday, February 12, 2006

Working out

I have to admit that my workouts have been horrible since the baby was born. I joined a new gym on saturday and I am going to be going at least 4 days a week. My plan is to get back in to shape before the next break. I spent about 4 hours getting myself dug out from the big storm and a good deal of time putting together units on The 1920's 1930's and the Constitution of the United States for my kids at RKA. There was no real way to get around today so we made it a work day.

Leave it to NYC to be open again when every major school district outside the city is closed. Anne and I will be getting up very early to try to make it in without being late. Seriously it is very dangerous and NYC should be held liable for any students, teachers, or staff that are injured. We should build in snow days to our calendar to make sure we are providing a safe environment for our kids and the staff.

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