Monday, July 07, 2008

Summer time and the . . .

Well you know the rest. . .

My garden is coming along with corn, oregano, basil, butternut squash, habenero peppers, and giant pumpkins. Keeping the weeds at bay has been a chore. The rain has been good and it has been helping the plants stay strong this summer

Gus -- yes I have a dog -- has a bath today because, well, he needed it. He smells much better now. I washed him with some watermelon shampoo and as soon as he stops smelling like wet dog he can come back in the house.

I went over and helped my brother at his place to do some woodwork and finishing of the garage.

The baby went to Reis park with his mom while we were working and we are getting ready to head over for some Cold Stone up the road. Summer is hard!

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